
How to maintain an antique handle in daily life?

2019-09-18 768

        In some high-end residences, classical furniture, retro restaurants, villas, antique handles are used. The surface of antique handles is specially treated, such as antique bronze, brushed antique, worn, etc. Nostalgic atmosphere. If you don't take good care of it, the damage of the handle will affect the overall image of the furniture, and it will also affect the image of the furniture decoration, so you should take care of these handles in your daily life. The following aluminum handle manufacturers Xiaobian teach you how to take care of these handles.

        The first thing to do is to prevent dirt. The handle is usually the most exposed. There are not many more surfaces on the surface. Some dirt will definitely be attached. When cleaning, you can use alcohol to wipe. If you wash it with water, you must ensure that it is cleaned. The surface must be dry, not the water drops attached to it.



        The second is to prevent damage. The furniture handle should not scratch the surface with sharp and hard objects. If there are serious stains or scratches on the surface, and the fireworks are burnt, you can use a fine sandpaper to lightly grind the surface and then wipe it with a scouring pad.

        The third is to prevent corrosion, and try to avoid contact with corrosive substances such as hydrochloric acid and salt.

        The fourth is to prevent moisture, to keep it clean, inadvertently causing water stains on the surface during use, to dry it after use, and always keep the surface clean and dry.

        Article from: Aluminum handle manufacturers


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